
Assessment is regarded as an integral part of teaching and learning and is a continuous process. There are planned opportunities within the curriculum plan to revisit learning from the current year but also previous year groups. It is the responsibility of the class teacher to assess all pupils in their class. This is mainly achieved through mini-plenaries, questioning, observation, end of unit tasks, marking, feedback from support staff and pupil self-assessment.
Summative assessment opportunities are also used to monitor attainment and progress. Please see individual subjects for more detail. Teachers analyse pupil results to identify any gaps and use this to inform their future learning. 
 Here are a list of statutory assessments that are completed:
Reception Baseline
Year 1 Phonics Screening check (and Year 2 re-screening if required)
Year 2 SATs
Year 4 Multiplication Check
Year 6 SATs
Assessment is reported on Itrack termly and features on the annual report to parents. 
The monitoring of the standards of children’s learning and the quality of learning and teaching is the shared responsibility of the Senior Leadership Team and the subject leaders. The work of the subject leader also involves supporting colleagues in the teaching of science, being informed about current developments in the subject, and providing a strategic lead and direction for the subject in the school. A named member of the school governing body is briefed to overview the teaching of the curriculum in the school.