The School Day

8am - 8.45am  Breakfast club if required
Start of the school day
Children to go straight into classes via class entrances
9.10am  Collective worship
10.30 - 10.45am KS1 playtime (please note that Year F and 1 have a rolling snack table within provision)
11.00 - 11.15am  KS2 playtime
12.15-1.15pm  Lunchtime
2.15 - 2.30pm KS1 playtime if applicable
3.15pm End of day (children to exit via different exits)
3.15pm - 5.30pm After school wrap around care if required (in addition to after school clubs)
The school day is 6 hours and 50 minutes long which amounts to 32.5 hours in a week.