Online Safety

Supporting Young People Online
Online Safety Newsletters
Useful guides
Here is a web page from our online safety provider that includes a number of handy guides that explain how to use parental controls for a number of common streaming sites, e.g. Netflix: 
There are also a number of handy guides on the National Online Safety website: E-safety Guides for Schools | National Online Safety
Here are some of the key ones but there are many more on their website.
Useful Links
Screen time
The government have released guidance for parents about children's screen and technology use. The advice can be seen in the photo.
Safer Internet Day
Today, Tuesday 6th February 2024, is Safer Internet Day.
This year's theme is 'Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.'
This has formed the focus of some of the children's learning today. Year 3 have attended the Trust Computing event at Launceston Town Hall all day. Key Stage Two have attended the live lesson from Tech We Can with a focus on AI. 'Are your students interested in AI, how it can be used in their daily lives and how it might develop in the future? Could they see themselves working in a future career using or designing AI?' 
Key Stage One have carried out some of the activities from the UK Safer Internet Centre.
It is important to remember, that although there is a day to mark it, we focus on the importance of safe internet use throughout the year. Our computing and PSHE curriculum supports this approach.

We have signed up to a newsletter to support parents and pupils at home. There is a monthly edition (see above) but there is also a special edition for today as it is Safer Internet Day.
*Online Safety 'how to videos' for parents*

I am delighted to share with you that Knowsley, who we subscribe to in relation to Online Safety, has produced a range of short videos for parents.

These include: setting up parental controls on an iPhone.

There are currently seven videos and they plan to produce more.

Here is a link to viewing them: