Curriculum Information


At Windmill Hill Academy, we are ‘Inspiring passionate, lifelong learners who strive to make a positive contribution to their community and the world around them’ by providing them with a broad and balanced to inspire and motivate pupils to have high aspirations; provide them with the tools to become assessment-capable learners; and be socially responsible within the school and wider community.

To keep you updated and informed, you will receive curriculum information at the start of each half term. These will outline our new learning, including our history and geography which will be linked to our whole-school learning concept. The class timetable, knowledge organisers and home-learning menus are also available for you to view on both our website and class dojo.

Autumn 1 2023-2024 
Knowledge Organisers: 
Autumn 2 
Knowledge Organisers
Spring term 1 
Knowledge Organisers
Spring 2 Environment 
PE for Spring 2 will be each Monday and Thursday. Please can children come into school wearing PE kits. Please remember to follow the school uniform code for the PE kits. Thank you
Summer 1